The Adult Vaccine Assessment Tool

what vaccines do you need
Adults need vaccines too! Answer a few quick questions
to find out which vaccines you may need.

Vaccines are recommended for adults based on age, health conditions, job, and other factors. No personal information will be retained by CDC.
* This vaccine assessment tool applies to adults 19 years or older.


  1. Answer the questions below.
  2. Get a list of vaccines you may need based on your answers.
     (This list may include vaccines you’ve already had).
  3. Discuss the list with your doctor or health care professional.


  1. Are you

  2. Have you ever had the chickenpox vaccine?
    Has a healthcare provider diagnosed you with chickenpox ever in your life, or do you have laboratory results showing that you had chickenpox sometime in your life?

  3. Will you be traveling outside the U.S. in the near future?

  4. Have you ever completed a polio vaccine series?

  5. Are you a first-year college student who lives in a college dormitory or a new military recruit?

  6. Do you work with patients in a doctor’s office, hospital, nursing home, or other health care setting?

  7. Do you work in a laboratory setting?

  8. Do you work in public safety and come in contact with blood or body fluids (for example, police officer or firefighter)?

  9. Are you a close contact (such as a caregiver or a healthcare worker) of someone who is severely immunocompromised who requires a protected environment?

  Some medical conditions and other situations can put you at higher risk for certain infections.

  1. Do you have any of these medical conditions?  Check all that apply to you.

  2. Review the items listed below and check those that apply to you:

That's it! Just click "My Results" to find out which vaccines you may need.



Page last reviewed: January 17, 2024