National Center for Environmental Health (NCEH)
Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program

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1990 Census Data by Zip Code / County

Data Source

U.S. Census Bureau

(Note: Some fields may not be present in some applications) 

1990 Census

STF 3B - ZIP code file

Summary levels:
ZIP Code 800
ZIP Code--State-County 820

SUMLEV Summary Level 
CNTY County (FIPS) 
ZIPCODE Zip code - 1990

P0010001 Persons: Total

P0050001 Households: Total

P0060001 Urban and rural: Inside urbanized area
P0060002 Urban and rural: Outside urbanized area
P0060003 Urban and rural: Farm
P0060004 Urban and rural: Nonfarm

P0100001 Persons of Hispanic origin: Total

P0120001 Hispanic Origin by race: Not of Hispanic origin - White
P0120002 Hispanic Origin by race: Not of Hispanic origin - Black
P0120003 Hispanic Origin by race: Not of Hispanic origin - American Indian, Eskimo
P0120004 Hispanic Origin by race: Not of Hispanic origin - Asian or Pacific islander
P0120005 Hispanic Origin by race: Not of Hispanic origin - Other race

P0130001 Age: Under 1 year
P0130002 Age: 1 and 2 years
P0130003 Age: 3 and 4 years
P0130004 Age: 5 years

P0190005 Household type: Female householder, no husband present, with own children under 18
P0190007 Nonfamily household

P0600001 Educational attainment of persons 18 years and older: Less than 9th grade
P0600002 Educational attainment of persons 18 years and older: 9th - 12th grade, no diploma
P0600003 Educational attainment of persons 18 years and older: High school graduate
P0600004 Educational attainment of persons 18 years and older: Some college, no degree
P0600005 Educational attainment of persons 18 years and older: Associate degree
P0600006 Educational attainment of persons 18 years and older: Bachelors degree
P0600007 Educational attainment of persons 18 years and older: Graduate or professional degree

P080A001 Household Income in 1989: Median

P1170001 Poverty status in 1989 by age: Above poverty level - Under 5 years
P1170002 Poverty status in 1989 by age: Above poverty level - 5 years
P1170013 Poverty status in 1989 by age: Below poverty level - Under 5 years
P1170014 Poverty status in 1989 by age: Below poverty level - 5 years

H0010001 Housing Units: Total

H0040001 Occupancy Status: Occupied
H0040002 Occupancy Status: Vacant

H0080001 Tenure: Owner occupied
H0080002 Tenure: Renter occupied

H0250001 Year structure built: 1989-March 1990
H0250002 Year structure built: 1985-1988
H0250003 Year structure built: 1980-1984
H0250004 Year structure built: 1970-1979
H0250005 Year structure built: 1960-1969
H0250006 Year structure built: 1950-1959
H0250007 Year structure built: 1940-1949
H0250008 Year structure built: 1939 or earlier

H061A001 Median value: Median value


Calculated fields: (Percent fields may be blank because of divide by zero)

H008X1P Percent Renter occupied among occupied housing
= 100 * H0080002 / (H0080001 + H0080002)
where H0080001: Owner occupied
      H0080002: Renter occupied

H025X1 Number Houses built before 1950
= H0250007 + H0250008
where H0250007: Houses built 1940-49
      H0240008: Houses built before 1939

H025X1P Percent Houses built before 1950
= 100 * (H0250007 + H0250008) / H0010001
where H0250007: Houses built 1940-49
      H0240008: Houses built before 1939
      H0010001: Totaol number of houses

P019X1P Percent Female householder, no husband present with children under 18 years
= 100 * P0190005 / (P0050001 - P0190007)
where P0190005: Female householder, no husband present, with children under 18 years
      P0050001: Total households
      P0190007: Non-households

P006X1P Percent of Persons Inside Urbanized area
= 100 * P0060001 / P0010001
where P0060001: Urban: Inside urbanized area
      P0010001: Total population

P006X2 Persons: Urban
= P0060001 + P0060002
where P0060001: Urban: Inside urbanized area
      P0060002: Urban: Outside urbanized area

P006X2P Percent Persons: Urban
= 100 * (P0060001 + P0060002) / P0010001
where P0060001: Urban: Inside urbanized area
      P0060002: Urban: Outside urbanized area
      P0010001: Total population

P013X1 Number of Children Under 6 Years
= P0130001 + P0130002 + P0130003 + P0130004
where P0130001: Under 1 year
      P0130002: 1-2 years
      P0130003: 3-4 years
      P0130004: 5 years

P013X1P Percent of Children Under 6 Years
= 100 * (P0130001 + P0130002 + P0130003 + P0130004) / P0010001
where P0130001: Under 1 year
      P0130002: 1-2 years
      P0130003: 3-4 years
      P0130004: 5 years
      P0010001: Total population

P013X2 Number of Children 3-5 Years
= P0130003 + p0130004
where P0130003 Age: 3 and 4 years
      P0130004 Age: 5 years

P012X1 Number non-white and not of Hispanic origin
= P0120002 + P0120003 + P0120004 + P0120005
where P0120002: Black, not of Hispanic origin
      P0120003: American Indian, Eskimo, not Hispanic
      P0120004: Asian or Pacific Islander, not Hispanic
      P0120005: Other race, not Hispanic

P012X1P Percent non-white and not of Hispanic origin
= 100 * (P0120002 + P0120003 + P0120004 + P0120005) / P0010001
where P0120002: Black, not of Hispanic origin
      P0120003: American Indian, Eskimo, not Hispanic
      P0120004: Asian or Pacific Islander, not Hispanic
      P0120005: Other race, not Hispanic
      P0010001: Total population

P010X1P Percent persons of Hispanic origin
= 100 * P0100001 / P0010001
where P0100001: Total persons of Hispainc origin
      P0010001: Total population

P060X1 Number non-high school graduate for persons over 18 years
= P0600001 + P0600002
where P0600001: Less than 9th grade
      P0600002: 9th - 12th grade

P060X1P Percent non-high school graduate for persons over 18 years
= 100 * (P0600001 + P0600002) / (P0600001 + P0600002 + ... + P0600007)
where P0600001: Less than 9th grade
      P0600002: 9th - 12th grade
      P0600003: High school graduate
      P0600004: Some college
      P0600005: Associate degree
      P0600006: Bachelor's degree
      P0600007: Graduate or professional degree

P117X1 Number of children under 6 years below poverty level in 1989
= P1170013 + P1170014 
where P1170013 Poverty status in 1989 by age: Below poverty level - Under 5 years
      P1170014 Poverty status in 1989 by age: Below poverty level - 5 years

P117X1P Percent children under 6 years below poverty level in 1989
= 100 * (P1170013 + P1170014) / (P1170001 + P1170002 + P1170013 + P1170014) 
where P1170001 Poverty status in 1989 by age: Above poverty level - Under 5 years
      P1170002 Poverty status in 1989 by age: Above poverty level - 5 years
      P1170013 Poverty status in 1989 by age: Below poverty level - Under 5 years
      P1170014 Poverty status in 1989 by age: Below poverty level - 5 years

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Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program
National Center for Environmental Health (NCEH)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)