National Center for Environmental Health (NCEH)
Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program

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1990 Census Data by Zip Code, County, Census Tract and Block Group

Data Source

Documentation from the U.S. Census Bureau 1990 Census STF3A CD-ROM (ASCII files): (279KB)

(Note: Some fields may not be present in some data files)

1990 Census

STF3A file
Summary levels:
050: County
140: Census Tracts
150: Census Block Groups

STF 3B - ZIP code file
Summary levels:
800: ZIP Code 800
820: ZIP Code--State-County

Field Names and Descriptions

SUMLEV Summary Level (see above)

STATEFP State (2-digit FIPS code), e.g., "01"

CNTY County (3-digits FIPS code), e.g., "001"

TRACTBNA Census Tract / Block Numbering Area number, e.g., "0201" or "010701"

BLCKGR Block Group number, e.g. "1"

ZIPCODE 1990 Zip code (5-digit)

H0010001 Housing Units: Total

H0040001 Occupancy Status: Occupied
H0040002 Occupancy Status: Vacant

H0080001 Tenure: Owner occupied
H0080002 Tenure: Renter occupied

H0250001 Year structure built: 1989-March 1990
H0250002 Year structure built: 1985-1988
H0250003 Year structure built: 1980-1984
H0250004 Year structure built: 1970-1979
H0250005 Year structure built: 1960-1969
H0250006 Year structure built: 1950-1959
H0250007 Year structure built: 1940-1949
H0250008 Year structure built: 1939 or earlier

H061A001 Median value: Median value

P0010001 Persons: Total

P0050001 Households: Total

P0060001 Urban and rural: Inside urbanized area
P0060002 Urban and rural: Outside urbanized area
P0060003 Urban and rural: Farm
P0060004 Urban and rural: Nonfarm

P0100001 Persons of Hispanic origin: Total

P0120001 Hispanic Origin by race: Not of Hispanic origin - White
P0120002 Hispanic Origin by race: Not of Hispanic origin - Black
P0120003 Hispanic Origin by race: Not of Hispanic origin - American Indian, Eskimo
P0120004 Hispanic Origin by race: Not of Hispanic origin - Asian or Pacific islander
P0120005 Hispanic Origin by race: Not of Hispanic origin - Other race

P0130001 Age: Under 1 year
P0130002 Age: 1 and 2 years
P0130003 Age: 3 and 4 years
P0130004 Age: 5 years

P0190005 Household type: Female householder, no husband present, with own children under 18
P0190007 Nonfamily household

P0230001 Children under 3 years -- Married couple family
P0230002 Children 3-4 years -- Married couple family
P0230003 Children 5 years -- Married couple family
P0230008 Children under 3 years -- Male head of household -- No wife present
P0230009 Children 3-4 years -- Male head of household -- No wife present
P0230010 Children 5 years -- Male head of household -- No wife present
P0230015 Children under 3 years -- Female head of household -- No husband present
P0230016 Children 3-4 years -- Female head of household -- No husband present
P0230017 Children 5 years -- Female head of household -- No husband present

P0290001 Households speaking English
P0290002 Households speaking Spanish -- Linguistically isolated
P0290003 Households speaking Spanish -- Not linguistically isolated
P0290004 Households speaking Asian/Pacific language -- Linguistically isolated
P0290005 Households speaking Asian/Pacific language -- Not linguistically isolated
P0290006 Households speaking other language -- Linguistically isolated
P0290007 Households speaking other language -- Not linguistically isolated

P0570001 Persons 25 years and older: Less than 9th grade
P0570002 Persons 25 years and older: 9th - 12th grade, no diploma
P0570003 Persons 25 years and older: High school graduate
P0570004 Persons 25 years and older: Some college, no degree
P0570005 Persons 25 years and older: Associate degree
P0570006 Persons 25 years and older: Bachelors degree
P0570007 Persons 25 years and older: Graduate or professional degree

P0600001 Persons 18 years and older: Less than 9th grade
P0600002 Persons 18 years and older: 9th - 12th grade, no diploma
P0600003 Persons 18 years and older: High school graduate
P0600004 Persons 18 years and older: Some college, no degree
P0600005 Persons 18 years and older: Associate degree
P0600006 Persons 18 years and older: Bachelors degree
P0600007 Persons 18 years and older: Graduate or professional degree

P080A001 Household Income in 1989: Median

P1170001 Poverty status in 1989 by age: Above poverty level - Under 5 years
P1170002 Poverty status in 1989 by age: Above poverty level - 5 years
P1170013 Poverty status in 1989 by age: Below poverty level - Under 5 years
P1170014 Poverty status in 1989 by age: Below poverty level - 5 years


Additional fields:  Additional fields were created with Microsoft Access 97.  Some percentages may be blank because of division by zero.

FIPS 5-digit State/County FIPS code

STATE_NAME State name

CNTY_NAME County name

TRACT Census tract, e.g. "010010201.00"
= [STATEFP] & [CNTY] & Left([TRACTBNA],4) & "." & Mid([TRACTBNA] & "00",5,2)
STATEFP: 2-digit State FIPS code
CNTY: 3-digit County FIPS code
TRACTBNA: Census Tract / Block Numbering Area number

BLOCK Block Group, e.g. "010010201.00:1"
= [STATEFP] & [CNTY] & Left([TRACTBNA],4) & "." & Mid([TRACTBNA] & "00",5,2) & ":" & [BLCKGR]
STATEFP: 2-digit State FIPS code
CNTY: 3-digit County FIPS code
TRACTBNA: Census Tract / Block Numbering Area number
BLCKGR: Census Block Group number

H008X1P Percent Renter occupied among occupied housing
= 100 * [H0080002] / ([H0080001] + [H0080002])
H0080001: Owner occupied
H0080002: Renter occupied

H025X1 Number Houses built before 1950
= [H0250007] + [H0250008]
H0250007: Houses built 1940-49
H0240008: Houses built before 1939

H025X1P Percent Houses built before 1950
= 100 * ([H0250007] + [H0250008]) / [H0010001]
H0250007: Houses built 1940-49
H0240008: Houses built before 1939
H0010001: Total number of houses

P006X1P Percent of Persons Inside Urbanized area
= 100 * [P0060001] / [P0010001]
P0060001: Urban: Inside urbanized area
P0010001: Total population

P006X2 Persons: Urban
= [P0060001] + [P0060002]
P0060001: Urban: Inside urbanized area
P0060002: Urban: Outside urbanized area

P006X2P Percent Persons: Urban
= 100 * ([P0060001] + [P0060002]) / [P0010001]
P0060001: Urban: Inside urbanized area
P0060002: Urban: Outside urbanized area
P0010001: Total population

P010X1P Percent persons of Hispanic origin
= 100 * [P0100001] / [P0010001]
P0100001: Total persons of Hispanic origin
P0010001: Total population

P012X1 Number non-white and not of Hispanic origin
= [P0120002] + [P0120003] + [P0120004] + [P0120005]
P0120002: Black, not of Hispanic origin
P0120003: American Indian, Eskimo, not Hispanic
P0120004: Asian or Pacific Islander, not Hispanic
P0120005: Other race, not Hispanic

P012X1P Percent non-white and not of Hispanic origin
= 100 * ([P0120002] + [P0120003] + [P0120004] + [P0120005]) / [P0010001]
P0120002: Black, not of Hispanic origin
P0120003: American Indian, Eskimo, not Hispanic
P0120004: Asian or Pacific Islander, not Hispanic
P0120005: Other race, not Hispanic
P0010001: Total population

P013X1 Number of Children Under 6 Years
= [P0130001] + [P0130002] + [P0130003] + [P0130004]
P0130001: Under 1 year
P0130002: 1-2 years
P0130003: 3-4 years
P0130004: 5 years

P013X1P Percent of Children Under 6 Years
= 100 * ([P0130001] + [P0130002] + [P0130003] + [P0130004]) / [P0010001]
P0130001: Under 1 year
P0130002: 1-2 years
P0130003: 3-4 years
P0130004: 5 years
P0010001: Total population

P013X2 Number of Children 3-5 Years
= [P0130003] + [P0130004]
where P0130003 Age: 3 and 4 years
P0130004 Age: 5 years

P019X1P Percent Female householder, no husband present with children under 18 years
= 100 * [P0190005] / ([P0050001] - [P0190007])
P0190005: Female householder, no husband present, with children under 18 years
P0050001: Total households
P0190007: Non-households

P023X1 Children under 6 years in families with Female householder, no husband present
= [P0230015] + [P0230016] + [P0230017]
P0230015 Children under 3 years -- Female head of household -- No husband present
P0230016 Children 3-4 years -- Female head of household -- No husband present
P0230017 Children 5 years -- Female head of household -- No husband present

P023X1P Percent Children under 6 years in families with Female householder, no husband present
= 100 * ( [P0230015] + [P0230016] + [P0230017] ) / ( [P0230001] + [P0230002] + [P0230003] + [P0230008] + [P0230009] + [P0230010] + [P0230015] + [P0230016] + [P0230017] )
P0230001 Children under 3 years -- Married couple family
P0230002 Children 3-4 years -- Married couple family
P0230003 Children 5 years -- Married couple family
P0230008 Children under 3 years -- Male head of household -- No wife present
P0230009 Children 3-4 years -- Male head of household -- No wife present
P0230010 Children 5 years -- Male head of household -- No wife present
P0230015 Children under 3 years -- Female head of household -- No husband present
P0230016 Children 3-4 years -- Female head of household -- No husband present
P0230017 Children 5 years -- Female head of household -- No husband present

P029X1 Households speaking foreign language - Linguistically isolated
= [P0290002] + [P0290004] + [P0290006]
P0290002 Households speaking Spanish -- Linguistically isolated
P0290004 Households speaking Asian/Pacific language -- Linguistically isolated
P0290006 Households speaking other language -- Linguistically isolated

P029X1P Percent households speaking foreign language - Linguistically isolated
= 100 * ( [P0290002] + [P0290004] + [P0290006] ) / ( [P0290001] + [P0290002] + [P0290003] + [P0290004] + [P0290005] + [P0290006] + [P0290007] )
P0290001 Households speaking English
P0290002 Households speaking Spanish -- Linguistically isolated
P0290003 Households speaking Spanish -- Not linguistically isolated
P0290004 Households speaking Asian/Pacific language -- Linguistically isolated
P0290005 Households speaking Asian/Pacific language -- Not linguistically isolated
P0290006 Households speaking other language -- Linguistically isolated
P0290007 Households speaking other language -- Not linguistically isolated

P057X1 Number non-high school graduate for persons 25 years or older
= [P0570001] + [P0570002]
P0570001: Persons 25 years and older -- Less than 9th grade
P0570002: Persons 25 years and older -- 9th - 12th grade

P057X1P Percent non-high school graduate for persons 25 years and older
= 100 * ( [P0570001] + [P0570002] ) / ( [P0570001] + [P0570002] + ... + [P0570007] )
P0570001: Persons 25 years and older -- Less than 9th grade
P0570002: Persons 25 years and older -- 9th - 12th grade
P0570003: Persons 25 years and older -- High school graduate
P0570004: Persons 25 years and older -- Some college
P0570005: Persons 25 years and older -- Associate degree
P0570006: Persons 25 years and older -- Bachelor's degree
P0570007: Persons 25 years and older -- Graduate or professional degree

P060X1 Number non-high school graduate for persons over 18 years
= [P0600001] + [P0600002]
P0600001: Persons over 18 years -- Less than 9th grade
P0600002:  Persons over 18 years -- 9th - 12th grade

P060X1P Percent non-high school graduate for persons over 18 years
= 100 * ( [P0600001] + [P0600002] ) / ( [P0600001] + [P0600002] + ... + [P0600007] )
P0600001:  Persons over 18 years -- Less than 9th grade
P0600002:  Persons over 18 years -- 9th - 12th grade
P0600003:  Persons over 18 years -- High school graduate
P0600004:  Persons over 18 years -- Some college
P0600005:  Persons over 18 years -- Associate degree
P0600006:  Persons over 18 years -- Bachelor's degree
P0600007:  Persons over 18 years -- Graduate or professional degree

P117X1 Number of children under 6 years below poverty level in 1989
= [P1170013] + [P1170014]
P1170013 Poverty status in 1989 by age: Below poverty level - Under 5 years
P1170014 Poverty status in 1989 by age: Below poverty level - 5 years

P117X1P Percent children under 6 years below poverty level in 1989
= 100 * ([P1170013] + [P1170014]) / ([P1170001] + [P1170002] + [P1170013] + [P1170014])
P1170001 Poverty status in 1989 by age: Above poverty level - Under 5 years
P1170002 Poverty status in 1989 by age: Above poverty level - 5 years
P1170013 Poverty status in 1989 by age: Below poverty level - Under 5 years
P1170014 Poverty status in 1989 by age: Below poverty level - 5 years

Additional Resources for 1990 Census Data (STF3A & B) from the U.S. Census Bureau

1990 Census Lookup and documentation for STF3A and STF3B CD-ROM files

Purchasing information for STF-3A CD-ROMs

Disclaimer: Use of trade names is for identification only, and does not represent endorsement by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) or the U.S. Public Health Service (PHS).

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Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program
National Center for Environmental Health (NCEH)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)